Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Spears Insiders Speak Out Over Britney Latest

Many people are pulling for the Spears family, but none more so than the good citizens of Kentwood, Louisiana.

Today, in an exclusive interview, those closest to Britney’s mother, Lynne Spears, reveal what she has told them about her troubled daughter.

“She's portrayed as a bad mother, a mother that doesn't care, a mother interested in money,” friend Joy Moore told Access Hollywood producer Michael Lewittes. “She saw great talent in Britney and she had these huge, big dreams and I think she looks back now and she wonders, you know, 'Was all this worth it?'”

Seemingly, all those big dreams Lynne had for Britney are crashing down before her eyes.

In the midst of Britney’s very sad and tragic health crisis, Joy and another longtime friend of Lynne’s, Kelly Milton, are speaking out in her defense.

“The woman she deals with now is not the daughter that left here six or seven years ago,” Joy said. “Whether that's a mental thing, despair, depression, I don't know. And Lynne's not sure either, but she wants someone to find out and she wants someone to get her daughter back.”

Joy and Kelly have raised their own children around Britney.

They say Lynne feels hopeful after Britney’s second involuntary commitment to a psychiatric hospital that a breakthrough in finding an effective treatment is imminent.

“[Lynne] said, ‘She's not doing well,’ and she said, ‘I just don't know what's going to happen,’” Kelly recounted. “She just asked me to pray for her.”

Estranged from her daughter for months, one of the biggest struggles Lynne faced throughout this difficult journey is the sense of powerlessness which has come from not being able to get Britney into treatment sooner.

“They've tried interventions and they've tried to seek outside assistance from different facilities,” Joy explained. “Her hope has been for a long time that Britney would get the help that she needs and it's hard when your hands are tied and it's an adult and she doesn't want help. You know, I mean, Lynne's hands have been tied.”

But perhaps not anymore after Friday’s decision by the courts to grant temporary control of Britney’s assets to her father, Jamie Spears. He has filed a temporary restraining order against her ever-present friend, Sam Lutfi, and Britney’s paparazzi boy toy, Adnan Ghalib, could be next.

“The people she is involved with there, they each have their own little stake in it, you know,” Joy said. “I don't think any of them care what happens to Britney ultimately. I think it's, ‘What am I going to get out of this?’ And most of those people want to keep her from her mother because they feel like her mother might intervene and mess this little plan up. If Britney’s thinking clearly, I might not get my piece.”

Source: Access Hollywood

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