Saturday, 2 February 2008

Brit's Parents Make Their Move In Court

TMZ has learned Britney Spears' parents are going to court - the courtroom that establishes conservatorship for people whose personal health and welfare is gravely at risk.

Jamie and Lynne Spears will appear at the County courthouse in downtown L.A. Sources say both parents are extremely concerned about the welfare of their daughter and upset because Sam Lutfi is trying to call the shots on all matters Britney.

The court has the power to create a conservatorship, which would allow both Jamie and Lynne to make medical decisions on behalf of Britney. The conservatorship would also allow them to control Britney's financial affairs. A family source tells us Jamie and Lynne want an independent co-conservator appointed -- someone unrelated to the family -- to avoid even an appearance they are interested in spending Britney's money. Both parents have made it clear: they believe Lutfi's influence has placed their daughter and her assets at risk.

The hearing should start at around 11:15 AM. We're in court, so stay tuned.

Source: TMZ

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